Konstantin Tutsch


Self-hosting on a Raspberry Pi: GoToSocial 🦥

This post is older than 6 months. It may contain outdated information and may not be an adequate guide anymore.


Before you continue, ensure that your host is accessible from the outside of it's local network and that your domain is set to the host system. Open ports 443 and 80 too.

We will use Nginx for a local reverse proxy to not dedicate ports 80 and 443 to GoToSocial alone in order to allow other services to run besides GoToSocial. The reverse proxy also strengthens security.

Installing dependencies

For Debian systems, you can install these packages:

apt install \
            nginx certbot python3-certbot-nginx \
            sudo postgresql \

Database setup

You need to setup a database and database user first. GoToSocial will store most of it's user data here. The only exception are image files for posts (they are stored in a media directory).

To gurantee that PostgreSQL is always running, enable it's service:

systemctl enable --now postgresql

The --now flag also starts the service.

You can now enter the PostgreSQL shell:

sudo -u postgres psql


Create a new user for GoToSocial first:

CREATE USER gotosocial WITH PASSWORD 'password';

Now, you can also create a new database for GtS:

CREATE DATABASE gotosocial WITH OWNER gotosocial ENCODING 'utf-8';

Last, grant all rights on that database to the GoToSocial user:

GRANT ALL ON DATABASE gotosocial TO gotosocial;

Bare metal


To increase security, use a seperate user and group for GoToSocial.

Create a Linux user for GoToSocial:

useradd -r -b /mnt/storage -m -s /bin/bash gotosocial

-r: system user

-b and -m: create and use /mnt/storage/gotosocial as home

-s: use shell /bin/bash

… also the group:

groupadd gotosocial
usermod -a -G gotosocial gotosocial

Once finished, log into the user and enter it's home directory:

su - gotosocial


Then, download the latest version:

Don't forget to also select the correct architecture!

wget https://github.com/superseriousbusiness/gotosocial/releases/download/v0.11.1/gotosocial_0.11.1_linux_arm64.tar.gz

… and unpack it:

tar xf gotosocial_0.11.1_linux_arm64.tar.gz


You can use the default configuration as a starting point:

cp ./example/config.yaml ./config.yaml

These are important values to change, but not the full configuration file:

host: "social.example.com"
account-domain: "social.example.com"

protocol: "http"
bind-address: ""
port: 60000

db-type: "postgres"
db-address: "localhost"
db-port: "5432"
db-user: "gotosocial"
db-password: "password"
db-database: "gotosocial"

storage-backend: "local"
storage-local-base-path: "./storage"

letsencrypt-enabled: false

Don't worry about HTTP, the disabled Let's Encrypt and the weird port 60000. We will use Nginx as a reverse proxy, these settings are only for the host itself.


Before deploying the service file, we need to change it a little bit. It, again, is not the whole unit file:


GoToSocial itself is ready now:


cp /mnt/storage/gotosocial/gotosocial.service /etc/systemd/system/gotosocial.service

systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable --now gotosocial

Reverse proxy

Wait, didn't I just start GoToSocial?

Yes, but the reverse proxy is still missing and GoToSocial can't be accessed on default http(s) ports.

You can configure Nginx like this:


server {
  listen 443 ssl;
  listen [::]:443 ssl;
  server_name social.example.com;

  ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/social.example.com/fullchain.pem; # managed by Certbot
  ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/social.example.com/privkey.pem; # managed by Certbot
  include /etc/letsencrypt/options-ssl-nginx.conf; # managed by Certbot
  ssl_dhparam /etc/letsencrypt/ssl-dhparams.pem; # managed by Certbot

  location / {
    proxy_set_header Host $host;
    proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
    proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;

  client_max_body_size 40M;

server {
    listen 80;
    listen [::]:80;
    server_name social.example.com;

    if ($host = social.example.com) {
        return 301 https://$host$request_uri;
    } # managed by Certbot

    return 404; # managed by Certbot

Just request the SSL certificate:

certbot --nginx -d social.example.com

… and start Nginx.

ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/gotosocial /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/gotosocial

systemctl enable --now nginx

You are finally live!


You want to start posting right now because your instance is live?

I'm sorry to tell you that I may have lied a bit when I said that. Your account is still missing.

Let's go back to GtS:

su - gotosocial

… and create a user:

gotosocial --config-path /path/to/config.yaml \
           admin account create \
           --username username \
           --email hey@example.com \
           --password "secretpassword"

I'm just guessing, but could you also be the admin of this instance? /s

gotosocial --config-path /path/to/config.yaml \
           admin account promote \
           --username username


You need a third-party client for posting from GtS. There is no web interface for that.

But you can still configure a few things though the web like custom emojis. Just head to social.example.com/settings and log in there.

GoToSocial is also in alpha. There are a lot of things not implemented yet. But I have been running my own instance and not had any problems with it!

If you want to try federation, why not ping me?


You might consider backup-ing your instance too. Here's how I do it:

echo "Creating GoToSocial PostgreSQL dump …"
ssh "root"@"$HOST" "sudo -iu postgres pg_dump gotosocial" > "${BKPDIR}/gotosocial-pgsqldump.txt"
if [ ! -d "${BKPDIR}/gotosocial-media" ]
  mkdir "${BKPDIR}/gotosocial-media"
for media in $(ssh "root"@"$HOST" "cd /mnt/storage/gotosocial && sudo -u gotosocial ./gotosocial --config-path config.yaml admin media list-local | grep storage")
  path="${BKPDIR}/gotosocial-media/$(dirname "${media}")"
  if [ ! -d "$path" ]
    mkdir -p "$path"
  scp "root"@"$HOST":"/mnt/storage/gotosocial/${media}" "${BKPDIR}/gotosocial-media/${media}"
scp "root"@"$HOST":"/mnt/storage/gotosocial/config.yaml" "${BKPDIR}/gotosocial-config.yaml"
scp "root"@"$HOST":"/mnt/storage/gotosocial/gotosocial.service" "${BKPDIR}/gotosocial.service"
scp "root"@"$HOST":"/etc/nginx/sites-available/gotosocial" "${BKPDIR}/gotosocial"

This is a really hacky method that works for me. But don't trust it!

Before using the script, you also need to set HOST: your server, BKPDIR: directory to put the backup in.


I took information and learned the stuff for this post from here:

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Tags: Self-hosting, Linux

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