Konstantin Tutsch


How to configure automatic updates on Fedora with e-mail reports

This post is older than 6 months. It may contain outdated information and may not be an adequate guide anymore.


You first need to install dnf-automatic, postfix and mailx:

dnf install -y dnf-automatic postfix mailx

After all programms have been installed, you can start configuring the e-mail server.

E-Mail Server

Notice as of May 7th, 2024: Alternatively, send DNF Automatic's email reports via an already existing server.

Postfix's configuration is located at /etc/postfix/main.cf. These are the values that should be set:

I have configured Postfix like this:

myhostname = server.example.com
mydomain = server.example.com

mynetworks_style = host

To test your Postfix configuration, you can execute this command:

echo "Hi, I'm your e-mail's body!" | mailx -r "test@server.example.com" -s "A test e-mail from Postfix!" "you@example.com"

Now that your e-mail server is working fine, you can configure DNF Automatic! 🤩

DNF Automatic

Automatic is a component of DNF. It's configuration file is located at /etc/dnf/automatic.conf.

Here are all the necessary configuration parameters:




This is my configuration:

# Check for updates daily
random_sleep = 86400

download_updates = yes
apply_updates = yes
reboot = when-needed

emit_via = command_email

command_format = "mailx -s {subject} -r {email_from} {email_to}"

email_from = dnf@server.example.com
email_to = you@example.com

Finally, you need to enable one of DNF Automatic's systemd timers.


If you have set e. g. download_updates to yes in your configuration, the timers settings will be overritten by the parameter(s).

You can choose between these three timers:

I chose the installer timer:

systemctl enable --now dnf-automatic-install.timer


Next time there are updates due, you will receive an e-mail telling you to not worry about it! 🥳

If you want to have a closer look at DNF Automatic, check out it's documentation.

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